Teacher Notes
Goodbye, Rainforest > Print/View All Notes
After students finish building the habitat, revisit the KWL chart one last time with your students, and assess their understanding of all the lesson's "essential questions.” Ask the following questions as prompts, adding their answers to the "What We Learned" chart.
1. What is a habitat?
2. What is a tropical rainforest? Describe what it's like.
3. What do all animals need to survive?
4. How are plants and animals in the rainforest connected?
5. What is deforestation?
6. What is preservation?
7. How can people help preserve the tropical rainforest habitat?
Add any new understandings that students share to your KWL chart. Afterward, compare what students knew at the beginning of the lesson (the "K" chart) to their understanding at the end of the lesson (the "L" chart) — and encourage the children to reflect on how much they have learned about rainforests and animal habitats over the course of the lesson.
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